Monday, January 30, 2012

EGGP: a Homeless carrer


 I’m always struck me my great ability to manage things, remember when I played "SimCity 3000” hours and hours but never lost. At school, my history’s teacher advised me that there is this career, it’s little known, but it was ideal for me.

The first time I recognized the “Matte Palace” (I've been there many times:  my mother once fell on this corner) I found it a beautiful (and remodeling) place, a little quaint too. The people are very happy and very willing to help. But the earthquake of 2010 left the palace in a poor state due to the emergency and we went to the Universidad de Los Lagos, a very different place than it was the palace and it's never was administrated for us.

We are currently in the Brasil’s neighborhood; the place is nice, but it’s very limited. The casino, library, classrooms, everything except the bathrooms are small but the people are very friendly, the staff are very friendly.

There is solution to our problem of infrastructure in the school it's called "Vicuña 20". This project will try to unite our career with the INAP and open political science’s career. it's is simply a paradise ... that may not reach to know (perhaps if I will take it a postgraduate course.

As the place is so small (there are only 9 classrooms) are terrible times of study, with large window’s time that me complicate when begin the preuniversity where I need at least free two  afternoons and Saturdays.

I'm in my third year (virtually), and every day I think that I will miss “the school” above his nature, the relationship with my classmates and the whole series of unfortunate events.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

me and the environment =]

 The people starting to understand about the environment in the school, watching  tv  or listening your partners, but in my case I listened about environmental care about five or six years ago, when I starting to meet one of my best friend. She belong to a Chilean ecological organization called "EligeVeganismo" where one of his biggest concerns are the care of animals and the environment

Really, I don't have the time to Incorporate this habits, but I’m Recycling the leaves in my yard land to create compost for my plants.

In fact, inside the house we have other initiatives that have worked out well, such as using windows "thermopanel" ideal for the maintenance of temperature and have the pipes of water in the ceiling, to capture the heat that builds up.

I believe that the greatest effort made ​​to reduce my carbon footprint is to have a mini garden, use the "green bags" for basic shopping, and avoid using the car.

I'm really bad to walk out of sheer laziness. So if I use public transportation much, although I would like to have a car, it would use in certain cases and not to go to work. I spent some time using the bike but I'm not very good for long journeys and also the road infrastructure in Chile leaves much to be desired.

I sometimes think that in Chile, especially in Santiago becomes necessary to create permanent public policies in caring for the environment. A joint action of the environment ministry and other ministries, may well lead to changes in the region, one of the most polluted in the country (and world), and lazy people like me interested in this noble cause.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Euthanasia = Choosing to die

Whenever I hear this word, I down a strange sensation, can be explained perfectly because I cannot understand that; sometimes I confuse it with suicide, but it is not the same. Although one has to be in that situation to understand it.

There are several cases, but I posted, is one that I scored a lot of Terry Pratchett is a famous English writer who was diagnosed with Alzheimer and who knows Peter rand Andrew who choose to have an assisted death thanks to the Foundation Dignitas in Sweden (Only country that allows foreigners to die there).

On the side of the Catholic Church, I do not endorse it because it will find life and because God has sent us these challenges (unfortunately I do not use much in the subject because I am not a believer).

Chile has tried to legislate this issue, there are several texts on "the right to die with dignity", but the issue by not having a certain importance has been left at rest.

The point is in discussions (again) is how to define when it's time to die, if you have been diagnosed as catastrophic illness or when you're already old enough to go to the bathroom or make a tea, I think it is the issue must be discussed in depth, I support passive euthanasia But this should be under strict supervision (as does Dignitas) and a powerful legislation.

Draft legislation on euthanasia

Terry Pratchett: Choosing To Die (2011) - Full

Friday, January 6, 2012

My life and the music

The music for me is the most important thing I have, it is who makes me feel many feelings: happiness, sadness, crying, love... because much of my childhood and my adolescence I have been involved in groups related to it. From very small I have been involved in chorus, orchestras and bands. I learned several instruments but I had to leave these hobbies to concentrate on my studies
On the other hand, I have a wide variety of music, since classical music (which helps me relax and REST) until electronic music (I love, because I wake up and help me concentrate on my studies) but there is a type of music I hate: Reggeton: it is so “basic” with repetitive sounds and ordinary lyrics. I felt like throwing up
In my favorite bands I have to "30 Seconds to Mars" (alternative rock), "Skrillex" (electronic - dubstep) and "Escalandrum" (Jazz - Tango), but none is like the other, his melodies and his lyrics I have made in my life.
Why music is important? This is not just a set of tunes written on a staff, but they are letters, feelings, and sensations made such a way that come to represent an important part in your life.

Teaching unions refuse to sign up to pension reforms

In England two of the biggest teachers' unions (National Union of Teachers and NASUWT) refuse to sign the pension reform, they demanded further talks with the government before Christmas.

The move came as the Association of Teachers and Lecturers moderate, who participated in the public sector strikes June 30 and 30 November in which more than 1 million public sector workers about 27 unions participated. And if solutions are not taken soon, a third wave of strikes could lead to the imposition of harsher reforms.

The union claims they were pressured and threatened into signing a false document in one version, because the education department has modified the sentences at a time.

Education department also wants besides reformulating educational curriculums due to low performance in schools; they’re arguing that the former teachers are no longer eligible for the new challenges of education.

All this adds to the existing rejection reforms four other public pension sectors - health, education, public administration and local government where you try to extend the years of retirement and stagnation in the level of salary.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Travel: An experience, a passion

Ohh travel is one of the things that always interested me to do, but I've never done (for now).One of my greatest desires is to know the five continents. if necessary, I am willing to save money for a time (or get some internships abroad).

There are some countries that I want to know first; and the 2012 (probably) i will able to go : France and England. Although it are frequently visited  I would love to go. France for example, my mother has many friends there, and she lived long time in Nantes and Paris, also I want to know the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum and another fascinating places (and of course try the cheese and wine).

Still, I have the idea that we could go to live in France but  I would prefer  visit or study first, becouse  I don't Know much  if,  this country ( and obviously the language) is a good choice for living in europe.  but should be after, when  I finish the career  and my mom really likes the idea

see you :D

PD: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ^_^

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the 2 best movies I've seen in my life

 "The Truman Show"

This is a science fiction movie, where represents the typical fear of being seen, to believe that your whole life has been rotated or driven by another one, I like this movie because Jim Carrey performs his role very well  (even won a Golden Globe) and the plot: simply spectacular. The first time I saw its was in psychology classes in the school, and I think I've seen at least 6 to 8 times and it is incapable of boring me and always I find another point of view that  I had not been considered .


 I think that it is the films that you should never miss. is just great. While it is a very long movie, it's worth spending an entire afternoon. A film that mixes drama, tragedy and romance.  it  was just and deservedly awarded with several Oscars. also in  this movie, debuted people like James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio or Kate Winslet who performed a magnificent work. The I seen about 10 times and every time I see it, I cry a lot.